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Writer's pictureDCS Canada Team

2024 Québec Spring Thaw 🌷

Spring Thaw is underway in the province of Québec. The Transport Minister has announced the official dates of the load restriction period for each of the thaw zones are indicated below.

Confirmed Dates

Zone 1: From Monday, March 4th (00:01) to Friday, April 26th (23:59)

Zone 2: From Monday, March 25th (00:01) to Friday, May 17th (23:59)

Zone 3: From Monday, April1st (00:01) to Friday, May 24th (23:59)

Depending on changes in weather conditions, the start and end of the load restriction period can be moved ahead or postponed.

The authorized load limits are reduced during the thaw period on all public roads for heavy vehicles. This is done every year to account for the road network’s lower bearing capacity during this period.

Please use the following Thaw Zones Link to stay updated on Spring Thaw dates:

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